The image to the top left is a symbol for Pisces and the image to the top right is a symbol named Ichtys. It appears to me, if the pisces symbol were rotated onto its side, the connecting bar were removed and the two arcs were reversed and merged it woudl resemble the Ichtys.
Both of these symbols represent fish. Pisces the 12th sign of the zodiac and the Ichthys symbol also known as the sign of the fish or Jesus fish can sometimes be seen on vehicles operating on the road way. This fish symbol reminded me of the Egyptian Hieroglyph for what would become the letter X. The letter X is also known as Chi in the Greek alphabet, and has been used as another symbol associated with Christianity. The symbol identified as a Christogram includes the letter X , or Greek Chi is named Chi-Rho. How is it that a hieroglyph of what would become the Chi or letter X would also come to become a symbol of Christianity? Why is the character now called Jesus called the fisher of men?
September 2017